Monday, July 17, 2023

Orlando Cepeda All-Star

Today I received a 1962 Topps All Star card signed by Orlando Cepeda in two weeks.  I enclosed $20 with my request which is his going rate.  It was $10 for a long time, and I didn't notice the increase for my last few requests but he was kind enough to sign for me anyway.

The returns will really be slowing down since I have sent very few requests lately.  I might be able to get to some this week, but there will still be a week or two where the returns are few and far between.  It's been a while since I got back a return that has been out for a long time.  I'm hoping for one or two of those to help fill the gaps.

I should probably review the returns on SCN for my 1973, 1975 and 1978 sets to see if any spotty signers are replying lately.  There are probably a bunch of signers from the 75 and 78 sets I just haven't gotten around to so I should get going on those.

I've got over 300 stamps and 400 envelopes (of both the business and 6 3/4 sizes) so I can send out a lot of requests without spending any additional money.  I've also got a lot of unsigned ROMLB.  I should take an evening and send out a handful of ball to add to my collection.  Whitey Herzog tops that list for me.  I've even got a $20 bill in my wallet.

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