Monday, December 23, 2019

Camilo Pascual Return - 1964 Western Oil Nicholas Volpe Print

I've been looking for an unsigned copy of this 1964 Western Oil print by Nicolas Volpe for quite a while.  I saw my collecting friend Randy had some other players listed on Ebay so I reached out to see if he had Mr. Pascual's.  He did, and sent it to me for free!  Thanks, Randy!  Something in appreciation is on its way today!

I sent this out to Mr. Pascual with $10 just 7 days ago and received it back today.

This makes the ninth different portrait I have signed from this set, including a few signed copies that I previously bought from Randy.

Mr. Pascual also personalized and signed the piece of cardboard I had included in the package to keep the portrait from being bent.

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