Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Four TTM Returns Today

The three returns that were in my Informed Delivery email but not my mailbox yesterday showed up, as well as one more. 

Today's returns are mostly cards from the 80's, with the exception of Chuck Essegian, who signed his 1959, 1961 and 1963 Topps as well as the 1962 Topps Orioles team card.

Alan Bannister, Kiko Garcia and Junior Kennedy all signed four cards for me, including 1982 and 1983 Topps from each for my sets.

My returns streak is now at 16 days on days that mail is delivered.  There was MLK Jr. Day and a Federal Holiday for Jimmy Carter when mail wasn't delivered as well as the usual Sundays.  I'm sending out about 10 more requests today and have a lot outstanding, so even if my streak doesn't continue, I should have pretty consistent returns for a while.

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