I had a 95% success rate, meaning I had 1 failure and am still waiting for 6 requests. The failure was Jack Dittmer, who sent back my 1954 Topps unsigned. After seeing other successes on SCN, I re-sent the request and received it back signed.
The six requests I'm still waiting for include Steve Carlton, which I just sent out in mid-December to Game Winner Sports, and who cashed my check, so I expect that back at some point. The other five I'm still waiting for include Les Moss (sent in November), Joel Horlen (sent in August), Bobby Bolin (sent in March, and who I got at a paid signing later in the year), Sandy Valdespino (sent in February) and Pedro Gonzalez (sent in January, but I bought a signed card on eBay).
In order to get many more requests out this year, I'll need a new project. I am contemplating the 1978 and 1985 sets. I have complete sets of both. I really enjoy collecting the older players though, and might concentrate and getting more vintage cards signed by players I already have. I should focus hard on my 1958 and 1965 Topps sets as well, and go hard after those living players I don't already have.
I will probably also go after a few more multi-player cards. I completed the 1962 Tribe Hill Trio card this year, which I really like.

I spent a lot of money this year on paid signings. Too much. I did make nice progress on my 2008 Goudey set of retired players, and will continue working on that.
I don't intend to spend much time or effort on current players, other than Twins.
Nice. You did better than me. Overall I was 225/345 with 17 failures and 103 waiting.
I did a lot better on my 62T guys.
143/173 with 10 failures.
nice job this year i only got a few returns this year but hope to get more out next year
very nice. my rate in 09 was about 64%. i sent out around 300 requests, many of which were 1978 topps - a great set for autos.
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