Monday, February 03, 2025

Friday's and Saturday's Returns

I haven't gotten today's mail yet but according to Informed Delivery, I should have four or five returns.  Last night when I checked the web site, it showed five of my sases, but in the email I received this morning, it only shows four.  So, we'll see.

I was away from home Friday and returned Saturday, but I know which returns arrived on which day thanks to the Informed Delivery emails.

I received four returns on Friday, including Rich Folkers, Tom Egan, Jim Willis and George Foster.

I hadn't sent the 1971 Topps of Folkers/Martinez and Matlack before, so I'm knocking another card of my set list.  I will send it to Matlack next.  Martinez only has three attempts on SCN, with zero successes.  But, he has done some private signings as recently as 2023 so maybe I can send it into a signing to complete it after Matlack.

The '71 I got back from Tom Egan is a nice upgrade over the one he signed in black four years ago.  The White Sox team card was one that I bought with eight signatures on it already and Egan is the only one I've added to it ttm.

Here's the 1971 Topps he signed for me previously:

Jim Willis signed what I think is his only Topps card, from 1954.  I already had this card signed by him from 2016.  His signature is quite shaky, but this one seems a little bit better than the first one.  He used the same type of pen.

Here's my return from 2016:

George Foster signed the 1979 Home Run and RBI Leaders cards, which will be sent on to Jim Rice next.  

On Saturday, I received a return from Rick Cerone, who only signs one card at a time.  I was surprised I hadn't sent to him in over two years.  This time, he signed a 1982 Topps for me.

Also on Saturday, Ed Romero signed four cards from the '80's for the sets I like to work on.  I had not written to Mr. Romero before, so I also added another player to my collection.

I will post today's returns in while.

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