Monday, December 30, 2024

Six TTM Returns Including Some Team Cards

My recent surge of requests is starting to pay off, even though one of my returns today was sent last March. 

That came from Charlie Manuel, who suffered a stroke over a year ago.  I held off sending to him until I heard that he was well enough to attend spring training last season.  He signed a couple 1970 Topps for me as well as a 2007 Allen & Ginter.  I sent a team card without any other signatures because I wasn't confident I'd get it back.  Now I can start adding some more players to it, despite already having another version of this card started.

Tom Ragland signed his 1972 and 1974 Topps as well as a 1973 Rangers team card.

Jerry Hinsley signed his 1964 and 1965 Topps.  Despite Gary Kroll having a pretty good success rate on SCN, he hasn't returned my request to him from April.  I'll watch to see if he becomes more consistent and try to send this card off to him.

Don Kaiser signed the 1956 Cubs team card, which commemorates the 1955 team.  The only other player from that team still with us is Vincente Amor.  He hasn't had a request sent to him since 2019 n SCN, but he did return it.  I'm not sure I'll send this to him though.  Maybe I'll buy another copy of it and give it a try.

Ken Sanders signed a 1965 Athletics team card for me.

Finally, John Goryl signed the 1964 and 1965 Twins team cards.  You can barely see his signature across the players on the '65.  And I looked very closely, but it doesn't appear that he signed the 1963 team card I included.  It's pretty full, so maybe he got mixed up and thought he signed it already.

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