Sunday's main goal was to get Jason Kubel on the game used bat I had bought. After taking Johnny to a couple of the shorter lines during the first shift, we joined my wife and younger son in line, even though there was nearly 3 hours before that shift started. During this time, my younger son went and played a few games, and my older son walked around the card show a bit.
Before the first shift ended, Johnny ran to another line for me. He got Denard Span on a 2009 Allen & Ginter, and got Jerry White and Scott Ulger on my team ball.

While waiting for Kubel, Young and Hardy, I decided to run through the second shift line which was Kevin Slowey, Alexi Casilla and Francisco Liriano.
I had Slowey and Casilla sign their 2009 Topps Heritage, and Liriano signed a 2007 Topps Heritage.

Then we got back in line and waited, a long time, for Kuble, Young and Hardy. My wife was along, so I got two autographs of each of them. I had Kubel sign the ticket stub from his April 2009 game in which he hit for the cycle.

Young signed a bobblehead.

And I had J.J. Hardy sign another ball for me since the one I had got on Friday night was smudged.

My wife had Kubel sign my game used bat, Young a 2009 Topps Heritage, and J.J. Hardy, a 2009 Allen & Ginter.

We were some of the first to get through the Kubel line, so we had time to also go through another one during that session. I went through Blyleven's line to get a ball signed for a friend, and Johnny ran to the Joe Nathan/Carl Pavano line. He got Nathan to sign a 2005 All Star Game ball for me (and got Pavano on his hat).

Johnny and I spent the last session looking around the card show. David and my wife went through one last line, and my wife got Pat Neshek on a picture for me, and Jeff Manship on my team ball.

That wraps up our TwinsFest autographs for 2010. Things will really slow down for me now. I haven't sent out any ttm requests. I have a few paid signings that I've sent to, including Morneau.