Monday, September 23, 2024

FanHQ Purchase - Twins World Series Baseballs

Local store and signings promoter FanHQ recently had a sale on signed baseballs.  Coincidently, I had just purchased a couple unsigned baseballs from the 1987 and 1991 World Series.  These signed baseballs were all just $10 more than I paid for the unsigned balls.

I sent the unsigned 1991 ball to a Jack Morris signing and haven't decided what to do with the 87 ball yet. 

There were many more baseballs available, but I chose the ones signed by players that aren't that easy to get.

Scott Erickson was sort of involved in a tragic accident in 2020 in which a friend of his is accused of hitting and killing a couple young boys.  The details and I believe the extent of his involvement is still being worked out (I think).  Anyway, I don't think he has done a signing since then and I'm not sure if or when he'll start doing them again, so I decided to buy a 1991 ball signed by him.  He is also one of the two players I still need to sign one of the 1991 Twins World series posters I've been working on.

Dan Gladden isn't that hard to get at a signing.  In fact, I just had him sign a Metrodome baseball last month, but I decided his contributions to the team warranted including him in my purchase.

Rick Aquilera is a relatively rare signer, and the cost of this ball was about $10 less than his previous signing fee and included the ball.

And Chili Davis hasn't done a lot of signings until the last couple of years, so I included him as well.

Today I dropped of a few packages headed to signings, including three Jim Kaat bobbleheads, the Jack Morris ball I mentioned, and a Denny McLain magazine.

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