Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Kevin Kobel Return

 Just one ttm return today.

Kevin Kobel signed the 1974 Topps Rookie Pitchers card, already signed by Frailing and Tanana.

He added a bible verse, like Tanana did.  I've never seen him do this before.  Frank Tanana does it on every card, even team cards, like these 1975 and 1978 Angels team cards he signed for me last year.

Unfortunately, Vic Albury passed away in 2017, so this card is as complete as it's going to get.  I don't collect the 1974 set, so I'm not sure why I've been working this card.  I probably needed cards to include with my request to Frailing or Tanana so I picked this one up.

Twice in the past I had included multiple cards to Mr. Kobel, but he has a tendency to keep cards, and both those times he kept the 1976 Topps I sent.  So, from then on, I've only sent one card to him.  I did eventually get the 76 signed.

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