Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Some Old and Some New

I'm catching up on returns from the last couple of days.

I received a couple 2013 Allen & Ginters back.  One signed by Wade Boggs and one signed by Bobby Doerr.

I also received a 1959 and 1960 Topps signed by Ed Fitgerald.  I had enclosed a 1950 Bowman as well which he didn't sign.  I think it was because the Bowman is so small and he didn't see it in the return envelope with the two other, larger cards.  After signing the two larger cards, he folded my letter around them, but the Bowman wasn't folded in there with them, which makes me think he never even saw it.  Maybe I'll re-send it in a while.

Finally, I received a 1964 and 1966 Topps signed by Ernie Broglio.

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